Journal of Management

Guidelines to Authors

  • Manuscript should not exceed 5000 words (12-15 A-4 Size pages, typed 1.5 space, Font size 12, Font type - Times New Roman).

  • Language used - English.

  • An abstract of about 150 words should be included at the beginning of the paper.

  • The paper should not have already been published or submitted elsewhere for possible publications.

  • The authors can use figures, charts, tables and diagram. They should be in black and white, and numbered using Roman numerals with a brief title.

  • All footnotes should be indicated by serial numbers in the text, and the literature cited should be detailed under notes at the end of the paper.

  • Place the references at the end of the manuscript following the end notes. All references should note the complete list of journals and books with page numbers.

  • The References should be prepared in the following form:

    • Books
      Abraham, K. (2001) Ethiopia: The Dynamics of Economic Reforms (Economic Liberalisation and Political Transformation), Addis Abada: EIIPD (Ethiopian International Instt. for Peace and Development).

    • Edited Volume
      Aharoni, Y. (1991) “On Measuring the Success of Privatisation”, in Ramamurthi, R. and Vernon, R. (eds) Privatisation and Control of State-Owned Enterprises. Washington, D.C.: World Bank

    • Journals
      Boardman, M. and Vining, D. (1989) “Ownership in Competitive Environments: A Comparison of the Performance of Mixed, Private and SOEs”, Journal of Law and Economics, April, No. 32.

  • Manuscripts, which do not confirm to these guidelines, will not be considered for publication.

  • No paper of the journal will be reprinted without the prior permission of the Editor.

  • The journal is published annually in December.

Papers for publication should be addressed to-

The Chief Editor
Girideepam Business School, Bethany Hills
Vadavathoor P.O., Kottayam, Kerala.
E-mail: luxmontis@girideepambschool.edu.in
Contact Number: +91 9895306652