
Journal of Management

Submission Guidelines

  • The manuscripts must be typed in MS Word Format, Times New Roman font style with a size of 12 points and 1.5 line spacing. The title of the paper should be in bold with 16 font sizes. All sub-headings must be of 14 font sizes in bold. All manuscripts must be sent through email to suprayoga@girideepambschool.edu.in

  • All manuscripts must be original; not exceeding 5000 words with a plagiarism of less than 25%. For all papers, there can be a maximum of 4 authors (3 students and one faculty). The first page of manuscript must contain the title of the paper, name of authors with institution, Faculty Guideā€™s name, designation and institution/college. The email of the authors must also be mentioned in the first page.

  • All tables and figures must be captioned and numbered as Table 1, Table 2 and Fig.1, Fig. 2respectively.The source of data (primary/secondary) should be mentioned left to the table.

  • Referencing must be in APA Format and should be complete in all respects.

  • All submitted articles must be subject to blind review and any modifications needed shall be intimated.Authors must sent articles after modifications within the stipulated time.