Dr. Aishwarya Sudhakar is working as Academic Director at TEG international College, Singapore. She is holding the position of Deputy Chairman, Academic and Exam board. Her educational background includes Doctor of Philosophy in Management, Master’s in business administration and Bachelor’s in civil engineering. She has 14yearsof academic and industrial experience in Civil engineering and Business Management. She has extensive experience in civil engineering technology, CAD, BIM and project management. Her experience enlightens strong knowledge of dealing with complex situations in engineering and management. Dr. Aishwarya’s research focuses on Employee engagement, Job burnout, psychological wellbeing and sustainable green energy management. She had published around 15 publications in Scopus and other international recognized journals including books “Sustainable Green Energy and Management” and “Principle of scientific management: An international innovation and leadership”. She also presented many papers and participated in international and global conferences. She is active in faculty development programs on research methodology and data analysis.